The URL for attendees is . This meeting is with Buck Woody. If you don’t know who he is, then you ought to find out! He’s a Program Manager at Microsoft on the SQL Server team, and anything else I try to say about him will not do him justice. So it’s great to have him present to the Adelaide SQL Server User Group this week. The talk is on the topic of Data-Tier Applications (new in SQL 2008 R2), and I’m sure it will be a great time.
Why not join us? Buck will be joining at us 8pm on Monday night (May 24th) in his time zone (US Pacific), which is 4am Tuesday morning (May 25th) in the UK and 12:30pm Tuesday lunchtime (May 25th) here in Adelaide. But if you can come in person, then register using this URL and join us for pizza around noon.