SQL and Virtual Earth

November 1, 2007

A while back I was talking to Bronwen Zande, of Brisbane-based SoulSolutions and GeekGirlBlogs.

Anyway, she and her partner John are big fans of Virtual Earth. As it’s well publicised that SQL Server 2008 will have new spatial types, including fancy ways of integrating with Virtual Earth, I asked her if they were planning a tour of the Australian SQL Server User Groups to demonstrate how this could work. I figure this is something that few SQL Server people will do much investigation into, but may well be asked about by developers who are keen to find out what’s possible.

Lo and behold, I guess things are happening, because they’re on their way! In Adelaide, this meeting will be on January 10th, our usual time-slot on the second Thursday of the month, and there are other events happening around the country too. All this despite the fact that the latest publicly available version (July still) of SQL Server 2008 doesn’t have the spatial types in it. Hopefully by then something will be available for us to check out the demos. Keep your eye on https://connect.microsoft.com/sql for news on that.

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