ACS SA Branch Committee

October 18, 2006

I've been nominated for the ACS SA Branch Committee. I've been a member of the ACS for a few months now – a Senior Member even. But it hasn't really meant a lot so far. As I want to be an influencer, particularly in regards to promoting IT in Adelaide (it's where I live, and I figure that if I can help develop IT as an industry here, then that's good for both me and anyone else who lives here), I had toyed with the idea of joining the committee. Nominations close this Friday, and after checking with Roslyn about the extra night out per month (my time feels quite limited already, but I think this is worth the investment), I agreed to let myself be nominated.

It doesn't mean I'm on the committee yet though. There may be more people putting their hands up than there are spots available, in which case it will come down to a vote. I'll keep you posted.

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