October 25, 2007

Paul Stovell is just too smart. About six weeks ago I heard a presentation of his at the Adelaide .Net User Group, and he mentioned that SyncLINQ was coming. A couple of weeks ago he sent me a movie that he’d put together, saying “Don’t blog about this yet, but…”

Since then I’ve told a good handful of people about this, but now I’m blogging too.

The idea behind SyncLINQ comes from the fact that Paul writes LINQ queries, but being into data binding in a big way, he was getting frustrated at the fact that changes to the underlying LINQ source weren’t bubbling up to his user interface. So he fixed it. The result is SyncLINQ.

The idea is simple – SyncLINQ raises an event that can tell the user interface that something is different in the underlying data. Use it with standard data binding, and the binding will cause the interface to change. A whole bunch of functionality, for almost no extra code.

Well done, Paul.

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