24HOP gets off to a good start

March 21, 2012

Session 11 is on as I write this – Ami Levin presenting about Primary Keys. It’s a good session.

But actually, they’ve all been excellent so far, not just Ami’s. I’ve heard only good things about the content. So if you’re reading this and 24HOP is still on, then tune in and take part. If it’s finished, get yourself over to http://sqlpass.org/24hours and see if the sessions have been made available on-demand. Yes – you should be able to watch the sessions when you want to for a year. Watching live is best, because you can ask questions and have them answered during the session, but if there are ones you just couldn’t make, then watching them on-demand is a good option.

Numbers have been “not bad”. At the moment it’s still the middle of the night for most Americans – about 6:30am in New York, and yet we’ve had well over a hundred at all the sessions so far, getting up to well over 300 for some sessions. And when I look through the list of names, I see a bunch of names that suggest we’re reaching people from all around the world. I’m seriously looking forward to seeing the stats about which countries have been represented in the audiences.

There have been a few comments about the platform. Everyone seems to consider IBTalk an improvement on LiveMeeting, but the closed captioning has met a mixed reception. Some people are loving it, whereas other people are finding the translations leave quite a bit of space for improvement. If you have feedback on this, please feel free to drop me an email (my name with an underscore at hotmail.com, or with a dot at sqlpass.org should reach me just fine, or Twitter, etc).

I don’t know how many of the sessions I’ll get to watch overnight – but I’m looking forward to seeing how things go as the day progresses. Big thanks to everyone who’s involved – the sponsors, PASS HQ team and the IBTalk folk who have stayed up overnight to facilitate, plus the moderators, the people doing the live captioning, and of course the speakers and attendees. I love how the SQL Community gets behind things like this. Earlier, the Adelaide SQL Server User Group gathered and watched Denny Lee’s session on BigData, and everyone in the group agreed that it worked really well. I took a picture of our cinema room, although you could only see a small section of the audience.



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