It’s so exciting!
In case you haven’t noticed, you’re reading this on a new design now. And if you followed a URL that was in the blogs subdomain, it’s redirected you to a subfolder of the company site (for any techies who are curious, the redirect is being done through a 301 record in the .htaccess file, which tells search engines that the pages have moved).
We got this done through our friends at Paper Sword B2B. We’ve been connected with them for a long time – their owner Blythe actually created an earlier version of our company website (the ‘jetty background’ one), over ten years ago. So it was great to reconnect with them. I feel like they understand us well, and were able to create a design that suits us.
Part of this was to align the blogs one. This helps with SEO apparently, which has never really been my thing. Over the years I’ve blogged at blogspot,, and, and then I moved it all to a lobsterpot subdomain when sqlblog closed up. It had always been a separate site to the company though, and there didn’t seem any reason why.
So enjoy our new design. And maybe get Paper Sword to help you with yours.